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14 Jul 2022 23:59:50
Hahaha cheers ed
14 Jul 2022 18:23:13
Thinking it might be time to start holding my breath now ed?
{Ed002's Note - Perhaps tomorrow - in time for the weekend.}
13 Jul 2022 16:22:15
As mentioned a bit above ed is the deferred wage and Barcelona not wanting (maybe to pay the full amount) or not being able to pay what is owed part of the problem?
Understand if its something you don't want to get into.
{Ed002's Note - No, it is not the issue.}
13 Jul 2022 13:27:39
Good job i checked this ed i was about to start holding my breath lol.
The lads just needs a chill in amsterdam clear the cobwebs get their mojo going again before another crack in Barcelona thursday maybe friday haha.
11 Jul 2022 21:16:08
Well hopefully there will be a resolution one way or another soon based on that then ed.
I did wonder there has been a lot of talk surrounding this deal about the deffered wages of de jong and Barcelona wanting him to reduce his wage if his is to stay at barca.
It seems very strange as he is supposed to get paid a large amount over the next 2 years i believe to get this back my question is isn't that a rather questionable thing for Barcelona to do for me it would look a lot like Barcelona asking the player to write off a loan.
I understand the drop would probably be for his basic wage and then they might look to spread the cost of the deffered wages across the contract to make it impact less over the next 2 years and look more professional but it seems a very bad practice to put yourself in?
If i'm completley wrong just say its seems a very big mess.
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